Distance from hotel: 3.4 km – Humboldt Wedag GmbH

The PhiLeRo Hotel Köln is located close to Köln Holweide and to the company of Humboldt Wedag GmbH in the Domcity of Cologne.

The company of Humboldt Wedag GmbH is located in Cologne Holweide.

Welcome to the Domcity of Cologne and @ the PhiLeRo Hotel Köln.

Distance from the hotel: 4.5 km – AXA Versicherung AG

AXA Versicherung AG is only 4,5 km away from PhiLeRo Hotel Köln.

Distance from hotel: 5.1 km – Kölnmesse GmbH

The exhibition center is only 5.1 km away from PhiLeRo Hotel.

Distance from hotel: 0.4 km- Prolog Wissen OHG

Die Firma ProLog WISSEN OHG ist ein Anbieter für Fort- und Weiterbildungen in der Sprach- und Kognitionsentwicklung.

Distance from hotel: 1.4 km – Acla-Werke GmbH

The Acla-Werke GmbH is a leading manufacturer of technical polyurethane elastomere products.

Distance from hotel: 1.7 km – Media Broadcast GmbH in Cologne

Welcome to the company of Media Broadcast GmbH in Cologne only 1.7 km away from PhiLeRo Hotel Cologne.

Distance from hotel: 2.5 km – BZgA in Cologne

The PhiLeRo Hotel Köln is located close to Cologne Merheim.

Distance from hotel: 2.7 km – TÜV Rheinland Group

The TÜV Rheinland Group is world famous and has its headquarters in Cologne just 2.7 km from the PhiLeRo Hotel Köln.

Distance from hotel: 2.8 km- Atradius Kreditversicherung AG

The Atradius Kreditversicherung AG is an insurance and located in Cologne Deutz

Distance from the hotel: 3.1 km – HDI-Gerling Versicherung

The insurer HDI-Gerling is located with its headquarters in Cologne Deutz, only 3 km away from the PhiLeRo Hotel.

Distance from hotel: 3.1 km – KKH-Allianz

KKH-Allianz in Cologne Deutz is a public health insurance company only 3 km from Hotel PhiLeRo.

Distance from hotel: 3.2 km – RTL Television GmbH

The TV-Broadcaster RTL Television GmbH ist one of the largest in Germany.

Distance from the hotel: 3.3 km – EASA (European Aviation Safety Agency)

Distance from the hotel: 3.3 km - EASA (European Aviation Safety Agency)

Distance from hotel: 3.4 km – Humboldt Wedag GmbH

Distance from hotel: 3.4 km - Humboldt Wedag GmbH

Distance from the hotel: 3.5 km – Axa Konzern AG

Distance from the hotel: 3.5 km - Axa Konzern AG

Distance from hotel: 3.8 km – Zürich Versicherung AG

It is only 3.8 km to Zurich Insurance in Cologne.

Distance from hotel: 4.4 km- WDR (Westdeutscher Rundfunk Köln)

The WDR is a fameous TV-Broadcaster in Germany.

Distance from hotel: 7.3 km – Eurowings (Germanwings)

The 4-star PhiLeRo Hotel Köln is located close to Airport Cologne Bonn.  

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